Luxury Contemporary Metals…
We believe jewelry, especially wedding rings, should be unique and custom made each step of the way for every individual. The decision to spend your life with another person calls for a finely crafted symbol that represents the strength, creativity, and flow of the relationship over time. We specialize in handcrafting luxurious contemporary metal alternatives to traditional bands, honoring this union.
At Chris Ploof Designs, we are proud pioneers in widening the field of luxury contemporary metals. We study, invent, document and master our work. We forge meteorite iron with exquisite attention to its longevity, have adapted the strength and beauty of ancient sword making secrets into wearable, stainless Damascus steel, and we famously fuse luscious color combinations of gold, palladium, platinum and more in our Mokume Gane.
With these skills, plus brilliant stone setting, our team of dedicated artisans stands ready to help you express yourself, your love and the magic of your exceptional life.