This enchanting pendant showcases a stunning 38x17mm Boulder Opal, renowned for its captivating play of colors and unique organic patterns. Set against the warm glow of 18K yellow gold, the Boulder Opal becomes a focal point of undeniable elegance.
The opulent design extends beyond the opal itself, as the pendant features a regal Crown of Gemstones. Adorning the top of the opal are delicate arrangements of pink and purple sapphires, Demantoid garnet, yellow diamond, and andradite garnet. These precious gemstones not only enhance the opulence of the piece but also contribute to a harmonious blend of colors that accentuate the natural beauty of the Boulder Opal.
To complete this radiant masterpiece, the 18K Yellow Gold Boulder Opal Pendant is suspended from an 18-inch Cable Link chain.
Boulder Opal - 38x17mm Boulder Opal
Crown of gemstones - pink and purple sappires, Demantoid garnet, yellow diamond, and andradite garnet.
Chain - 18" Cable Link
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SKU: 230-797
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